Jean Frumholtz offers you products of the hive from his honey factory in Ormersviller: honeys with the flavours of the forest or flowers, candles, sweets... all the best that the bees have to offer you.
Practical information
Direct purchase from the producer in ORMERSVILLER : Bee-related products, awarded with the Label Qualité MOSL.
In addition to honey production, the family farm also has many orchards. Fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as jams and preserves, including the famous traditional marmalade, "quetscheschläggel", are also available on site.

Languages spoken
Visit conditions
Guided tours with advanced booking Product tasting
Groups accepted on reservation Coach parking available
Contact us
- https://www.facebook.com/FamilleFrumholtz
- contact@famillefrumholtz.fr
- 06 77 88 34 98
- 1 rue du Hohwald57720 ORMERSVILLER
How to get there ?