Launch your business in Moselle


Moselle possesses resources, skills, assets and potential that make it a hotbed of European economic development.

Its road, rail, air and river connections, proximity to Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and highly trained local workforce make it an excellent springboard for businesses hoping to launch here.

Drone SHub


Excellent infrastructure (industrial estates, buildings, etc.) capable of welcoming you when you launch your business in Moselle.

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Industrial estates

Moselle has over 50 industrial estates.

Well-equipped, with all the amenities you need and superfast broadband connections, they offer a turnkey solution for your business project.

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Available buildings

Looking for commercial premises, a warehouse or office space?

View listings of spaces available to buy or rent in Moselle.

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Get in touch

Planning to launch or expand your business? Want to know more about our business support services? Contact us!
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Moselle Attractivité: the first port of call for business
Moselle’s economic development agency, Moselle Attractivité aims to promote Moselle as a place to do business, find investors and support Moselle-based businesses and local communities.

Our values


Moselle Attractivité provides free support for businesses: analysis of needs, help finding land and premises, help finding financial support, industry partners, etc.

savoir faire

Moselle Attractivité is a group of men and women who are always on hand, with vast experience of business and the local area. Our experienced team combines a desire to help with skill and confidentiality.


In terms of Moselle’s economic success, the numbers speak for themselves: over 1.3 billion euros of investment in the manufacturing and logistics sectors in Moselle have been announced since 2018.


A dedicated team to help you at every stage of your project, with tailored advice to support you in your research and help you prepare your application for financial assistance.


When setting up a business, Moselle offers the ideal environment in which to launch:

- a strategic location, close to Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium,

- excellent transport infrastructure: road, rail, air and river transport networks, etc.,

- quality land and property at a competitive price,

- an international industrial milieu: 450 foreign companies, employing over 50 000 people,

- state-of-the-art industries,

- a- highly-qualified, multilingual workforce - quality cross-border training.

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What's new in Moselle ?


Launch a business in Moselle: offers, contacts

Extensive infrastructure (industrial estates, buildings, etc.) make Moselle the perfect place to launch your business. Get in touch!