Mosl Attractivité

The agency MOSL Attractivité

News without limits from the agency that supports the people who make MOSL and its districts shine.


MOSL in 5 keywords

CIAV Meisenthal


“You all have a role to play! So get set for action! ” The brand only truly exists when it is put into action. You just need to find yours. Social media? Personal innovation? Event planning? It doesn’t matter. They are all good. MOSL brings together stakeholders in the region, helps them make their plans a reality and uncovers the stars of tomorrow. MOSL is a brand on the move. It’s alive.

Metz Handball


Don’t be modest! Moselle is unashamedly driven to succeed and now is the ideal time to put its economic, industrial, cultural and sporting assets centre stage. The MOSL brand is THE way to showcase them and cast off enduring clichés. It embodies the assets and pride of the whole department, while delivering a clear message: “Come to Moselle and succeed!”

Les enfants du charbon


Put away your pens and paper! You won’t need them when learning the language of MOSL. Because it is universal. It speaks to every generation. The brand is a simple digital marketing tool, designed to meet today’s needs and infinitely shareable on social media. Sharing the #MOSL hashtag is a way of taking action, uniting people and shining a spotlight on Moselle, without language barriers or borders.

Walygator Parc


Tomorrow is here! And MOSL understands this. The brand is also working with and for young people in the fields of employment, training, higher education and culture in the widest sense. It aims to promote creativity, deliver innovative projects and focus all of its energies on a younger, more optimistic Moselle, free from barriers and with great potential. A Moselle written today and that comes to life tomorrow.

Georgia Tech


Our history proves it - Moselle has always been capable of pushing the boundaries and reinventing itself. And there’s no risk of that changing, because MOSL represents ambition. The ambition to break from convention. The ambition to take pride in our past, while looking to the future with excitement and determination. The ambition to win hearts, to innovate, and to surprise constantly. Without limits.

Moselle Sans Limite

The MOSL brand

A brand

MOSL is both an acronym for “Moselle sans limite” (Moselle without limits) and an icon embodying the spirit of reinvention and the will of the region to set itself apart, particularly for its youth..

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A symbol

“Without limits” reflects the will to unite around positive shared values and excel ourselves. It is a repeating motif in the brand’s taglines, messages and content..

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Bring the brand to life

Qualité MOSL

Qualité MOSL

It is instantly recognisable and, first and foremost, it is there to help you. Qualité MOSL is a quality label specially designed for food producers, craftspeople, restaurants, accommodation and tourist attractions and, above all, for you: the consumers. It is a guarantee of local production, promoting short supply chains.


Ambassadeurs MOSL

MOSL Ambassadors

To help the region shine at home and beyond its borders, Moselle has a team of Ambassadors. A connected and committed citizen network open to all, with an ambition to showcase the region and all of its charms.

Why not join the ranks of Moselle Sans Limite Ambassadors yourself?


Logo Fabriqué en Moselle

Made in Moselle

Business owners, you too can become part of the MOSL network by displaying the brand on your products. Use the "Fabriqué en Moselle" logo as a signature for your company, to reinforce both the image of your organisation and the reputation of the region. In this way, you become a standard-bearer for this Moselle strategy, which is helping to raise Moselle's profile. You share this common ambition to help Moselle win!

Display the brand on your products

Agence d’attractivité de la Moselle (Agency Moselle Attractivité)

Founded in November 2016, the agency is based around four distinct but complementary services. Entirely devoted to serving the Moselle region, its main aims are to boost its appeal, showcase its assets and contribute to its development..

The agency’s objectives

The agency’s objectives

logo cyan
Regional marketing service

When working to raise the profile of the MOSL brand, the regional marketing department knows no limits.

logo violet
Economic development service

Moselle is a great destination for business. This service aids the region’s development by supporting its industries.

logo magenta
Tourism development service

Attracting more visitors to Moselle and helping providers of tourist services to win them over! That’s the goal of the service responsible for promotion and marketing Moselle as a tourist destination. The MOSL brand is its biggest asset.

Moselle Attractivité
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