A characteristic smell of chalk and wax, an inkwell in which to dip one's pen to write, large blackboards: welcome to the last century, in the school hall of Metzervisse.
Practical information
Museum in METZERVISSE, on the theme(s) Popular arts & traditions.
After an introduction to the subject, the volunteer teacher will introduce the children to the school of yesteryear, and then welcome them into the "classroom" to practise writing with a quill pen, test their mettle against the teacher's authority and enjoy many other surprises.
Classroom limited to 25 students.
Visits by appointment for groups of 10 to 25 people.
Visit conditions
Guided tours with advanced booking
Groups accepted on reservation
Contact us
- https://www.facebook.com/Metzervissevillagelorrain
- villagelorrain@gmail.com
- 06 84 76 25 18
- 15 grande rue57940 METZERVISSE
How to get there ?